
損益計算書に関する英語① Income Statement / PL



損益計算書とは何か What is an income statement?


 企業の1年の活動の中で、いくら売り上げて、いくら費用がかかり、いくら利益が出たのかを記録するもの。損益計算書は英語で 「income statement」または「Profit and Loss Statement」といいP/Lと呼ぶことも多い。収益から経費を差し引いたものが、利益または損失。収益が経費を上回れば、利益が出て、逆に経費が収益を上回れば損失となります。




You can use an income statment to measure a business's financial performance. The income statement also known as the profit and loss statement or the P&L for short. An income statement is the summary of a business's revenes and expenses over a period of time. When we take our total revene and substract our expenses from it then we work out our profit or our loss. We make a profit when our revenues exceed our expenses and on the flip side we make a loss when our expenses are more than the income we've earned. 


  1. 収益:Revenue /  企業の1年間の売上金額 
  2. 費用;Expense /  社員の給料や、広告宣伝費など、事業に関する費用
  3. 利益:Profit / 収益から費用をさしい引いたもの。もうけ 
  4. 損失:Loss / 収益から費用を差し引いたもの。費用が多ければ損失が発生





When we take our revenue and deduct our direct costs of doing business we get to our gross profit.



When we deduct our indirect costs of doing business from our gross profit we come to our oparating profit.



When we deduct non-operating profit or loss from our oparating profit we come to our ordinary profit. 




When we deduct special income/ loss from ordinary profit we come to Income before income taxes


当期純利益(Net Profit)は、この税引前当期純利益から法人税などの税金を控除することで算定されます。



費用 Expense


Business typically incur many different type of expense but broadly speaking these can be broken down in to tow categories.



Our direct costs of doing business and our indirect costs of runinng business.


  • 直接経費:販売した物やサービスから直接経費を特定できる。変動費として、売上が増加すればその分増加します。小売や卸であれば、仕入れ価格。製造業であれば、材料費や直接作業員の費用がこれに該当します。

Our direct cost of doing business are the costs which we can directly trace through to the products we've sold or the services that we've provided. Direct costs like these are variable costs which increase in direct proportion to the sales that we've made.

If you were running a retail or a wholesale business then these would include things like the original purchase price of the product that you're reselling or if you've run a manufacturing business then this would include the cost of your raw materials or the direct labor cost that went in to producing your product.


  • 間接経費:販売した物やサービスからに直接的に結びつかない経費。賃貸や、社員の給料、会計、法務、総務、マーケティング宣伝費、償却費用など

Indirect costs are the cost of running a business which can`t directly be traced back to the production of good or the provision of services. We sometimes call these overheads. Overheads can include fixed costs like rent, employee salaries, insurance costs, admin expense, legal costs, accounting costs, marketing costs, deprciation and amortization.






売上総利益は、売上高から原価(Direct costs)を差し引いて算出されます。粗利益や粗利といったりします。

When we take our revenue and deduct our direct costs of doing business we get to our gross profit.



When we deduct our indirect costs of doing business from our gross profit we come to our oparating profit.


売上総利益率 Gross Profit Margin




 We can calculate our gross profit margin by taking our total products sales and deducting our costs of good sold and then dividing our whole lot by our product sales.


Gross Profit Magin =(Total products sales - Costs of good sold)/ Total products sales

This mesures how efficiently we've been producing and selling our  product.







  • 売上:Sales
  • 受取利息:Interest Income


  • 売上原価  : Cost of goods sold(COGS)
  • 給与手当  : Salaries, Wages etc
  • 旅費交通費 : Travel, Commutation, Business trip etc.
  • 法定福利費 : Legal Walfare
  • 福利厚生費 : Employees' benefit
  • 支払報酬  : Professsional fees
  • 寄付金   : Donation

損益:Profit and loss

  • 売上総利益 : Gross Profit
  • 営業利益   :     Oparating income
  • 金融収益及び費用 :Financial income & tax
  • 税引前利益 : Profit before income tax
  • 当期純利益  :     Net income
  • 当期損失   :     Net loss
  • 法人税   : Provision for income taxs

