




鋳造欠陥 ダイカスト不良
  • 鋳造欠陥 英語一覧
  • 鋳造欠陥を英語で仕事の指示・対策指示


  英語 日本語
C chill チル
C casting defect 鋳造欠陥
C cracks  ひび割れ              
C cold shut 湯境
F flash ・washes 鋳ばり
G gas defects ガス欠陥
L laminations  薄板状になること
I laps  くぼみ            
P porosity  鋳巣
P pinholes(porosities) ピンホール  
S surface blemish 外観傷
S surface Defects 外観不良
S stand inclusion 砂噛み
S shrinkage,  shrinkage porocity ひけ巣
S subsurface blowhole ブローホール 空孔
W wrinkles  しわ
W warping   そり


Porosity 鋳巣 
  • Please design a running gate system 

  • Increase local heat dissipation by inserting cooling ribs.

  • Reduce casting temperature to limit the total volume deficit.
鋳ばり  / flash ・washes
  • Desigh the gatting system properly
  • Improve mold and core strength.
  • Please add more binders to the core sand
湯境   / cold shut
  • Optimize gating system to minimize narrow cross-path and ensure short flow path.
  • Increase the poring temperature to prevent premature solidification


Casting defects are any imperfections or irregularities that occur in the process of casting metal or other materials into a desired shape. Some common types of casting defects include:



  1. Porosity: This is the presence of small voids or bubbles in the casting that are caused by gases being trapped in the molten metal as it solidifies.
    気孔: 融解金属中に閉じ込められた気体によって引き起こされる、鋳造品に小さな空洞や泡が存在する状態を指します。

  2. Shrinkage: This is when the metal cools and contracts during solidification, causing it to pull away from the mold and leaving small voids or cracks in the casting.

    収縮: 金属が固化する過程で冷却され、収縮することによって金属が型から引き離され、鋳造品に小さな空洞や割れが生じる状態を指します。

  3. Inclusions: These are small particles of impurities or other foreign material that become trapped in the casting during the pouring process.

    不純物: 鋳造品に流し込む過程で、不純物や他の異物の微小な粒子が鋳造品に閉じ込められる状態を指します。

4. Cold shuts: This occurs when two streams of molten metal don't completely fuse together during the pouring process, leaving a line of weakness in the casting.

湯境: 流し込んだ2つの溶融金属が完全に融合しない状態を指し、鋳造品に弱点が生じる状態を指します。


5. Misruns: This is when the molten metal doesn't completely fill the mold cavity, resulting in a partially formed casting.

不成形: 溶融金属が型の中の空洞を完全に満たさず、部分的に形成された鋳造品が生じる状態を指します。


6. Hot tears: This occurs when the metal solidifies but is still under internal stress, causing it to crack or tear as it cools.

熱割れ: 金属が固化した後にも内部の応力が残り、冷却される過程で割れたり破れたりする状態を指します。


7. Surface defects: These are any irregularities or imperfections that occur on the surface of the casting, such as roughness, cracks, or pits.

表面欠陥: 鋳造品の表面に現れる不均一性や不良、凹凸やクラックなどの不完全な状態を指します。

There are many other types of casting defects that can occur, but these are some of the most common ones. Preventing and minimizing these defects is an important part of the casting process and requires careful control of the casting conditions, such as the temperature, pressure, and quality of the molten metal, as well as the design of the mold and the pouring technique used.
